Boomers come get this smoke!!!
I'm roasting the boomers to a crisp.
Feeding time at the Primate House @Janelle Rock @BLACK DEVILLE @Linda Velo$gtcoinz
Feeding time at thePrimateHouse!@SixthSense tha Producer
The video I'm referring to:
Brothers main problem with this group.. @drboyce @ZogieDeGemini@KingKongConsciousness
Pink Book chameleon you ain’t fooling us…
Go and see for yourself Brothers:
They view college as them doing something better than Black Men, they see and know that Black Men are the…
What up Tito just now tuning in. Sorry for your loss.
Rest easy max they got a good one
OG Max
These are nothing but paid shills to shame Black Men back on the plantation. And who in the hell is…