Vice- Why Some Black Women Are Turning to Witchcraft
Credit to Vice for this content. I could write a blurb on this topic, but I think the...
Tekboi’s Historical Fact Check #2: GO BACK TO AFRICA!!! (The Obfuscation of the Copper Colored Natives- Part 1)
Ever notice how our label(basically a corporate designation, but more on this at another time) constantly changes over...
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Edited by VideoGuru:
Corporate America Is Not For Me – Part 2
Part 1 (by Dennis Jeanpierre):
General Tito Patreon
What up Tito just now tuning in. Sorry for your loss.
Rest easy max they got a good one
OG Max
These are nothing but paid shills to shame Black Men back on the plantation. And who in the hell is…
Of course the sexism card hate to break it to these brothers but the black community been under women leadership…